How can I map to an FTP server as a drive?
A Web Exclusive from FAQ for Windows
John Savill
InstantDoc #14486
FAQ for Windows
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A. Its possible to configure a machine to map to a FTP server as a drive (for instance the Microsoft site) providing the machine runs both NetBEUI and TCP/IP. Perform the following:
1. Perform a NSLOOKUP for the FTP site, e.g.
make a note of the IP address
2. Edit the LMHOSTS file (in %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc)
3. Add line
<ip address> MicrosoftFTP
e.g. MicrosoftFTP
4. Save the file
5. Open a CMD.EXE session. Enter command:
nbtstat -R
This purges and reloads the name table cache
6. Type command:
net view \\MicrosoftFTP
You should see information on the site
7. Now map a drive (to share data)
net use * \\MicrosoftFTP\data /user:anonymous
8. All done. It will pass a drive letter for the connection
NetDrive를 이용하는 방법이 있다.
위에 설정이 귀찮으면 설치를 하자.
A Web Exclusive from FAQ for Windows
John Savill
InstantDoc #14486
FAQ for Windows
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Subscribe to Windows IT Pro | See More FTP Articles Here | Reprints
A. Its possible to configure a machine to map to a FTP server as a drive (for instance the Microsoft site) providing the machine runs both NetBEUI and TCP/IP. Perform the following:
1. Perform a NSLOOKUP for the FTP site, e.g.
make a note of the IP address
2. Edit the LMHOSTS file (in %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc)
3. Add line
<ip address> MicrosoftFTP
e.g. MicrosoftFTP
4. Save the file
5. Open a CMD.EXE session. Enter command:
nbtstat -R
This purges and reloads the name table cache
6. Type command:
net view \\MicrosoftFTP
You should see information on the site
7. Now map a drive (to share data)
net use * \\MicrosoftFTP\data /user:anonymous
8. All done. It will pass a drive letter for the connection
NetDrive를 이용하는 방법이 있다.
위에 설정이 귀찮으면 설치를 하자.

NetDrive Download
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